Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yacon Syrup 100 percent Pure - Why The Buzz?

The Yacon Syrup 100 percent Pure is said to have an awesome effect on weight loss due to its accelerated metabolism properties and other significant healthy benefits based on several studies one of which is presented by Dr. Oz on his show  and the hot topic in the internet today!

It is probably the only truly raw, organic, natural, low calorie, and low glycemic sweetener available.

The Yacon Plant

The Yacon plant (Smallanthus sonchifolius), is a perennial plant traditionally grown in the Andes mountain in South America growing up to 1.5 to 2.5m in height. Its edible tubers which contain mostly water are eaten raw like a fruit with its crisp, pleasant, slightly sweet taste like a mild version of an apple which is why its also refer to as Peru's apple of the earth. It is traditionally used by rural people as a refreshment during field work, and occasionally for skin rejuvenation and to relieve intestinal, hepatic and renal disorders. Ancient Incas used it for its nutritional properties due to its fiber content which was very filling. Yacon is also used as an offering during Andean religious festivities.

Today, technology led to more awesome discoveries about yacon syrup health benefits and studies like the one presented by Dr. Oz show highly suggests that yacon syrup 100 percent pure promote healthy weight loss by enhanced metabolism!

Where Does Yacon Syrup 100 percent Pure Come From?

The Yacon Syrup is extracted from the tuberous roots of the Yacon plant and processed into molasses-like syrup that was being used as a natural sweetener for dishes in South Americans homes. The taste is described as being kind of "raisiny"- a cross between a fig and a prune.

The Technology behind the production of Yacon Syrup 100 percent pure!

A lot of people were wondering whether the syrup was processed at high temperatures, which happens to most liquid sweeteners, causing them to release a lot of high fructose.

The technology for producing the syrup is really not that complicated, in a way its very simple:

First, juice is extracted from the fresh roots after which it is concentrated until it reaches a level of consistency of a good quality syrup solution. The initial concentration of sugars in the roots is low making it necessary to evaporate a significant amount of water to reach the final concentration. A special evaporator is used similar to maple syrup production that concentrate liquids using evaporation in continous process. This reduces the amount of time that the juice is exposed to high temperatures compared to a tradional batch process, minimizing the chances of the syrup's getting a burnt flavor as a result of being held at high temperatures for long periods of time. The quality of the syrup in terms of FOS (Fructooligosaccharide), an excellent altenative sweetener, content is maintained using maple syrup evaporators. This is because BOILING has no effect on the chemical structure of FOS ( FOS are affected only by temperatures in excess of 120ÂșC, at which point the sugars begin to break down into simpler forms, also known as free fructoseRemember that the higher the processing temperature, the less FOS and the more free fructose the syrup is likely to have.
Boiling helps give the final syrup a superior flavor to that possible with other concentration techniques using low temperatures (such as vacuum).

Try Yacon Syrup 100 percent Pure And See For Yourself Why Dr. OZ Is Very Much Impressed About Yacon Syrup's Possitive Effects On Users Overall Health!